
Nicholas Of Myra: The Patron Saint of Sailors

Nicholas of Myra. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The son of wealthy parents, legend has it that Nicholas went to study in Alexandria and while returning on one of his sea voyages to Myra, saved the life of a sailor who tumbled from the ship's rigging in a storm. Upon returning to Myra, Nicholas brought the young sailor to church bestowing on him the virtues of God. At the same time, the Bishop of Myra died and the church elders were instructed in a dream to replace him with a "man who conquers" (greek: Nikei). While discussing the implications of the dream, the church elders heard the sailor telling anyone who would listen of his saviour, the brave Nikei-Laos. Upon hearing this, the elders appointed Nicholas the successor. He was born in 270 and died in 330. Sainted for miracles attributed to his intercession, Nicholas of Myra is the patron saint for sailors, fishermen, repentant thieves, prostitutes, children and the falsely accused. His relics, translated in 1087, lie in Bari, Italy.

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